One of the most popular epoxy coating uses is the use of epoxy compounds as coatings or paints. Epoxy coatings are popular because they provide a quick drying, tough, and protective coating for metals and other materials. Unlike traditional heat-cured powder coatings, epoxy coatings are quick and easy to apply making them idea for a number of applications. Some of the main epoxy
coating uses include:

White Goods Coating Applications: An epoxy coating is often used as the powder coating on washers, driers, and other “white goods” because it is durable and easy to apply.

Epoxy Coating Compounds and Paints

Automotive and Marine Applications: An epoxy coating will act as a primer to prevent corrosion and ensure the adhesion of paints on automobiles and boats.

Steel Corrosion Resistant Coatings: Fusion Bonded Epoxy Powder Coatings are used for corrosion protection in steel pipes and fittings used in the oil and gas industry, water transmission pipelines, and concrete reinforcing rebar.

Flooring Applications: Epoxy coatings can be used as epoxy floor paint in industrial or commercial applications.